Musik & Theater
Eurhythmics / Music and Movement
We would like to invite you to stroll along on our website to get an overview about the topic of "Eurhythmics / Music and Movment".
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The following course provides an overview of the subject of rhythm / music and movement. An introductory video provides an insight into its history and various areas of application today. A selected collection of links and a bibliography offer the possibility of further research. Short films by lecturers working in various fields of application will be added to the program in due course. There will also be presentations by experts on specific specialist topics relating to rhythm / music and movement. So come back soon if you want to find out more!Learning objectives
The learning objecitve is to gain a brief overview about the topic. We also like to offer the possibility to get deeper insights in chosen fields.
Learning method
This is a plattform offers you the space to learn autodidactically about the subject of "Eurhythmics / Music and Movement".
More info
Prof. Elisabeth Pelz
Alexander Riedmüller
Hochschule für Musik und Theater
This course is licensed under CC BY-SA. You may generally use the contents of this course freely if you cite the above-mentioned authors in the event of publication and also license your work under CC BY-SA. Note that individual contents may be labeled with a different license.
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#bildung und erziehung
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