IT & Medien
Data Driven Decision Making (D3M)
Learn more about decision making using computational procedures while considering different factors, including ethical implications of automatised processes.
Go to courseWhat to expect
Decision making has applications in many sectors. In this course, we take the example of mobility: how do I choose to reach the university everyday, depending on my budget, time, health or personal values? This decision making problem, like many others, can be automatised. But the optimisation of those problems might not be as obvious as we think when it involves several actors with different wishes. This course aims to show how different decision making ways exist and how is is not always an easy task to automatise.Learning objectives
You will evolve in a situation where you have to make decisions and compare them with the computer's decisions. Why did you choose this solution? Was there a better one? What happens if you change your point of view? The idea is to make decision making problems more transparent and easy to understand, while keeping a critical view on their automatisation.
Learning method
The course is made up of two parts: The first part is introductory and presents the everyday problem of commuting to be solved with automatised decision making processes. Here, the learner has to make a decision on the transportation to take for his/her daily commute depending on his/her lifestyle. The second part contains the main story path. The learner goes through a story where he/she has to make decisions according to different events and ethics considerations. He/She plays the role of a “city planner” charged with investing a budget into the different transportation networks, depending on the population using them.More info
Anna Lainé
Prof. Sibylle Schupp
Rainer Marrone
Prof. Judith Simon
Mattis Jacobs
Technische Universität Hamburg, Universität Hamburg
This course is licensed under CC BY-SA. You may generally use the contents of this course freely if you cite the above-mentioned authors in the event of publication and also license your work under CC BY-SA. Note that individual contents may be labeled with a different license.
Deep Track
#decision making
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