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Sustainable Tourism for Small Island Developing States
What you can expect
The Course`s Storyline
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Dear Learner,
Welcome to our online course "Sustainable Tourism and Stakeholder Networking for SIDS". This course lets you explore and assess the opportunities that sustainable tourism measures offer for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This course will help you to think carefully and critically about current tourism regimes and tourism policies. It illustrates through practical examples how policy-making can improve tourism standards in the main SIDS regions. Join us in this online learning experience!Why is this topic important?
SIDS still face numerous challenges with regard to sustainable development and sustainable livelihoods for their current population as well as future generationsAs one of the fastest growing sectors in the world, in recent years tourism has become one of the key economic factors for many SIDS. However, tourism is associated with various risks for their fragile ecosystems. In addition, the size and geographical situation of many SIDS confronts them with vulnerabilities that limit their competitiveness in the tourism industry. In light og these challenges, there is a need for well-formulated policies, regulations and standards in the tourism sector. Here, policy-makers play a key role in fostering the transition towards sustainable tourism.Our online course “Sustainable Tourism and Stakeholder Networking for SIDS Policy Makers” seeks to inspire you to explore and assess the opportunities that sustainable tourism policies offer for SIDS.This course will help you to think carefully and critically about current tourism systems and policies. It illustrates through practical examples how policy-making and the implementation of appropriate measures may greatly improve tourism in SIDS.Who can take this course?
Although everyone is welcome to join, this course has been designed for a specific audience: Policy makers on strategic and operative levels who seek to better grasp the interdisciplinarity of the topic, who want to gain further insights on existing policy frameworks, appropriate technologies and best practices from islands.
The course is also suitable for „public officials of tomorrow”, i.e. master students from related disciplines (e.g. policy or development economics), as well as NGOs working in the tourism sector. They are provided with hands-on knowledge on strategies and the evaluation of sustainable tourism concepts which can, for example, be useful for an applied master’s thesis, or a distinctive sustainable tourism project.
This online course...
- offers an interdisciplinary perspective on sustainable tourism as well as related policies, regulations and standards found in Small Island Developing States
- introduces you to a broad spectrum of tourism- but also policy-related topics, for example sustainable tourism strategies and measures... as well as policies, initiatives and programs
- seeks to inspire you self-develop a small solution for promoting sustainable tourism in SIDS
This interdisciplinary course has an active duration of 7 weeks.
You will learn…
- to distinguish basic concepts and technical terms in the sustainable tourism discourse
- to challenge tourism conditions in a given SIDS
- to differentiate between different policy approaches and implementation strategies to increase sustainable tourism measures in SIDS
- how to identify, critically assess and evaluate tourism regimes in SIDS, building on examples from previous learned material
To practically make use of your newly gained knowledge and skills, you will – piece by piece throughout the course – improve your analytical skills to critically evaluate a given sustainable tourism concept for a small island.
Welcome to this second chapter of our online course. In this module "Sustainable Destination Management" you will learn to:
- describe destination management
- articulate long-term goals for tourism development, and track progress toward their achievement
- identify and employ strategies and tools to manage destinations more sustainably
In this video sustainable tourism expert Sara Currie welcomes you and gives you an overview about what you are going to learn in this chapter. Sara Currie is tourism expert at the Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative.
In this training booklet we summarized all key information and concepts about sustainable destination management. You will learn to understand the visitors' motivations and learn about industry and traveler indicators. You will be able to design visitor studies and to understand statistics. Finally you will prepare an asset inventory and learn how to develop a vision and goals for the destination.
Now that you know about sustainable destination management in general we would like to give you some insights to challenges of destination management in the South Pacific. Tourism expert Jennifer Bartlett, who you already met earlier in this course, will share her experience with you.
Robin Mason gives you in introduction to destination management processes in Cape Verde.
Welcome to the next step of your way to develop a first concept for sustainable tourism. In the first part you chose a Small Island Developing State and described it from a tourism perspective.
In this second step you are supposed to conduct the asset inventory. (If you don’t remember exactly how to do it, please read again pages 21-24 in your training booklet.) We prepared a step by step guide for this task. You can put your results to the interactive questionnaire and export it as a text document in the end.
Congratulations! You finished our introductory lesson about sustainable destination management. Click on the heading to get to know where to continue and where to find more information.