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  • Überblick

    What you can expect

  • What is this course about

    This course encourages exploring sustainable tourism policies, fostering critical analysis of current systems. Practical examples showcase how strategic policy-making can enhance SIDS' tourism prospects.

    It is divided into the following chapters:

    1. Introduction to Sustainable Tourism
    2. Tourism Impacts and Challenges
    3. Sustainable Destination Management
    4. Sustainable Tourism Standards
    5. Stakeholders, Key Actors and Partnership Establishment
    6. Funding Opportunities and Project Development
    7. Impact Monitoring
    Textseiten: 4

  • Introduction to Sustainable Tourism

    Before delving into the topic of sustainable tourism in small island developing states, it is essential to introduce the fundamental concepts of sustainable tourism. Understanding tourism's role in the global economy and its potential contributions to development goals is crucial for your further learning. Additionally, you will explore the drivers of sustainable tourism from consumer, business, and destination perspectives.

    If you already have a good knowledge of tourism and sustainable tourism, you can skip this introduction and start with the first chapter about tourism impacts and challenges.

    Textseiten: 5 Buch: 1

  • 1 Tourism Impacts and Challenges

    In this learning week, you:

    • will be introduced to tourism impacts deepened in the impact of
      1. socio-cultural impacts
      2. environmental impacts
      3. economic impacts
    • will learn to identify the threats that tourism poses to destinations and businesses
    • will learn to describe sustainable tourism development challenges affecting SIDS
    Textseiten: 6 Buch: 1

  • 2 Sustainable Destination Management

    Welcome to this second chapter of our online course. In this module "Sustainable Destination Management" you will learn to:

    • describe destination management
    • articulate long-term goals for tourism development, and track progress toward their achievement
    • identify and employ strategies and tools to manage destinations more sustainably
    Textseiten: 5 Datei: 1

  • 3 Sustainable Tourism Standards

    Welcome to this third chapter. In this module "Sustainable Tourism Standards" you will learn about:

    • identify and understand sustainable tourism standards as well as the different tiers of certification
    • understand the role of quality assurance in tourism 
    • describe the global sustainable tourism council
    Textseiten: 4 Datei: 1

  • 4 Stakeholders, Key Actors and Partnership Establishment

    Welcome to this fourth session. In this module "Stakeholders, Key Actors in Sustainable Tourism & Partnership Establishment" you will learn to:

    • articulate the importance of stakeholder collaboration
    • describe a Destination Management Organization's role, types and challenges 
    • create a marketing SWOT analysis
    • build a destination brand 
    Textseiten: 5 Datei: 1

  • 5 Funding Opportunities and Project Development

    Welcome to this fifth module "Funding opportunities and Project Development".

    You will learn to:

    • understand the funding process
    • write a Problem Statement and use various tools to define projects
    • successfully find project funding
    Textseiten: 4 Datei: 1

  • 6 Impact Monitoring & Peer Review

    Welcome to this sixth and last active module. In this module "Impact Monitoring & Peer Review" you will learn to:

    • describe the importance of impact monitoring at the destination level
    • monitor and track progress on sustainable tourism
    • employ monitoring recommendations
    Textseiten: 5 Datei: 1

  • Credits

    Text- und Medienfeld: 1