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Completion requirements

It is nice to have you here in our course about sustainable tourism in small island developing states. 

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) grapple with sustainable development challenges and fragile ecosystems impacted by tourism risks. Their size and geography hinder tourism competitiveness, urging the need for effective policies.

This course encourages exploring sustainable tourism policies, fostering critical analysis of current systems. Practical examples showcase how strategic policy-making can enhance SIDS' tourism prospects.

Each chapter consists of a theoretically grounded training booklet, several videos that provide you with practical insights, and an assignment where you can directly apply and test what you've learned. Additionally, we provide you with further information and links for each chapter. By the end, you will have developed a solid theoretical knowledge with initial practical applications to sustainably develop a destination.

Last modified: Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 3:10 PM