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Lecture 3 - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

2. Lectures from Practioners

2.1. Communication to the Consumer - Waste Stream seperation and colour system

It is sometimes easy to forget that what we know is something we have learned and thus not all people will naturally know. While sorting your waste according to the material is not hard in theory, the public might struggle with doing so if you do not communicate to them how to do it and why they should do so. If you know the reason for something, it is much easier to get motivated. Even in Gemarny, where people are taught which waste to dispose in which bin, citizens throw their waste into the wrong container at times. This is partically becaues they do not understand the consequences as they have no idea how the waste is treated, what the requirements for good recycling is and how all this is connected to the financing scheme. So coming up with communication campaigns and a colour coded waste system, which has symbolic value, is necessairy in order to interact with the public, who are a crucial acteur in the life cycle of the product/household waste.

EPR Expra Part 6 by German-MENA University Network & Prevent Waste Alliance (CC BY)