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Theory: Tourism Impacts and Challenges

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Let us start with an overview abou the impacts (positive and negative) of tourism and the challenges tourist destination have to face. Just click on the heading to get started with our training booklet. 

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9. Sustainable Tourism in Small Island Developing States

9.3. Tourism Development Challenges - Part 3

Tourism Development Challenges for Small Island Developing States - Part 3

Social and Cultural Issues

Tourism exposure brings global interaction which prompts a sensitive approach to local culture and heritage for SIDS. The UNWTO states “In 2011 the theme of World Tourism Day was ‘Linking Cultures’. This recognised the opportunity that tourism brings to advance tolerance, respect and mutual understanding, while also underlining the need for it to be conducted in ways that respect as well as enrich local cultures” (UNWTO, 2012).

Coastal Environments and Biodiversity

The connection between tourism and local environmental quality is strong and requires the mutually beneficial relationship of protection. SIDS “make a contribution to global biodiversity that far outweighs their collective land areas” (UNWTO 2012).

Resource Management

SIDS small size, location, and individual islands as states confines their resource base and complicates the options and cost of resource management solutions. Availability of freshwater, wastewater and solid waste management, and energy sourcing are a challenge for SIDS. Opportunities for improved management are being seized by individual tour operators and developers, and includes developing responsible environmental practice handbooks by hotels and resorts.