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Theory: Tourism Impacts and Challenges


Let us start with an overview abou the impacts (positive and negative) of tourism and the challenges tourist destination have to face. Just click on the heading to get started with our training booklet. 

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6. Socio-cultural Impacts

6.4. Case Study: Negative Tourism Impacts

Negative cultural impacts from aboriginal tourism were found among the Tao tribe of Orchid Island, Taiwan. Notably, processes of acculturation have been observed regarding traditional taboos. Increased tourism since the 1970s has resulted in habitat destruction and continued population decline of three species that are culturally significant to Tao tradition (the Elegant Scops owl, the Birdwing butterfly, and the coconut crab).

The Elegant Scops owl is considered an “evil spirit” in Tao culture. Traditionally the species is revered, and Tao people will not venture deep into the forests where Elegant Scops owls live. However, with increasing numbers of visitors and decreasing Elegant Scops owl populations, the Tao are less wary of traditional taboo and “more willing to lead tourists into these areas, which significantly increases the human disturbance in ecologically sensitive lands” (Liu & Lu, 2014). The ecological loss of habitat for these species coincides with a cultural loss of taboos significant to Tao people and their history.

More information available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4117854/