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Theory: Tourism Impacts and Challenges


Let us start with an overview abou the impacts (positive and negative) of tourism and the challenges tourist destination have to face. Just click on the heading to get started with our training booklet. 

If you want to download / print it, you find a pdf version at this link

10. Suggested further reading

Suggested further reading

Sustainable tourism in SIDS will require maintaining effective governance structures and communication, establishing appropriate policies, and using a range of management tools. 

Sustainable Tourism Agenda and Policy Guidance

The United Nations Environment Programme and the World Tourism Organization compiled a resource called “Making Tourism More Sustainable: a Guide for Policy Makers.” The guide includes policies and recommended tools collected from actual cases which successfully and effectively achieved sustainable development goals. The resource can be used as a blueprint for policies and tools by national and local governments, to be modified to the area’s particular circumstances and conditions (UNEP and WTO, 2005).

Refer to Section 2: Policy Implications of a Sustainable Tourism Agenda. The information presents policy areas to be addressed to meet sustainable tourism goals. Making Tourism More Sustainable: a Guide for Policy Makers, United Nations Environment Programme and the World Tourism Organization (2005)