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Theory: Tourism Impacts and Challenges


Let us start with an overview abou the impacts (positive and negative) of tourism and the challenges tourist destination have to face. Just click on the heading to get started with our training booklet. 

If you want to download / print it, you find a pdf version at this link

6. Socio-cultural Impacts

Socio-cultural impacts

Human communities and cultures are major attractions. Managers must sustain these resources so tourism does not erode their value. As tourism development affects more communities around the world, the social dimension of sustainability has grown in significance. The sustainability of communities and their dependence upon tourism has to be balanced with local needs and desires. This is especially relevant for indigenous attractions. Developers must understand community attitudes and needs and accommodate them in their development plans. The challenge of course is that within any community a wide range of opinions and stakeholders compete for attention. There is no such thing as a single community perspective.

When managed sensitively, tourism can empower people to take control of their own future. Much debate centers on the socio-cultural transformations that tourism can bring to communities. Interaction between visitors and communities can dilute or even destroy traditional cultures. Conversely, these encounters can also foment opportunities for greater understanding and learning.