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Sound Gesture Intelligence

Dr. Greg Beller


[dAlessandro2011] C. d'Alessandro, A. Rilliard and S. LeBeux, "Chironomic stylization of intonation", JASA, 129(3):1594-1604, 2011.

[Beller2009a] Beller, Grégory (2009). "Analyse et Modèle Génératif de l’Expressivité: application à la parole et à l'interprétation musicale ", Paris 6 – IRCAM.

[Beller2009b] Beller, Grégory (2009). "Transformation of Expressivity in Speech", The Role of Prosody in the Expression of Emotions in English and in French, ed. Peter Lang.

[Beller2010] Beller, Grégory (2010). Expresso: Transformation of Expressivity in Speech, Speech Prosody, Chicago.

[Beller2011a] Beller, Grégory, Aperghis, Georges (2011). Contrôle gestuel de la synthèse concaténative en temps réel dans Luna Park: rapport recherche.

[Beller2011b] Beller, Grégory, Aperghis, Georges (2011). "Gestural Control of Real-Time Concatenative Synthesis in Luna Park", P3S, International Workshop on Performative Speech and Singing Synthesis, Vancouver, pp. 23-28.

[Beller2011c] Beller, Grégory (2011). Gestural Control Of Real Time Concatenative Synthesis, ICPhS, Hong Kong.

[Beller2011d] Beller, Grégory (2011). Gestural Control of Real-Time Speech Synthesis in Luna Park, SMC, Padova.

[Beller2011e] Beller, Grégory (2011). Arcane d'Un mage en été, Théâtre Publique, n° 200.

[Beller2012a] Beller, Grégory (2012). In-vivo: laboratoire de recherche et d'expérimentation autour du son pour le théâtre, Towards a History of Sound in Theatre, Montreal.

[Beller2014a] Beller, Grégory (2014). The Synekine Project», MOCO 2014, IRCAM, Paris 2024_MUTOR_GregBeller_GestureAI_V1.5.docx

[Beller2014c], Beller, Grégory (2014). L'IRCAM et la voix augmentée au théâtre: Les nouvelles technologies sonores au service de la dramaturgie, L'Annuaire théâtral, Numéro 56–57, p. 195–205.

[Beller2015a], Beller, Grégory (2015). Sound Space and Spatial Sampler, MOCO 2015, SFU, Vancouver.

[Beller2017a], Beller, Grégory (2017). Spectacle vivant : des voix imaginaires aux monstres vocaux, InaGlobal, Paris, France.

Bevilacqua, Frederic, Nicolas Rasamimanana, Emmanuel Fléty, Serge Lemouton and Florence Baschet (2006). The augmented violin project: research, composition and performance report. In 6th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 06), Paris

[Caramiaux2015] Caramiaux, Baptiste, Altavilla, Alessandro, Pobiner, Scott and Tanaka, Atau. "Form Follows Sound: Designing Interactions from Sonic Memories". In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. pp. 3943-3952. 2015 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2702123.2702515).

Corballis, Michael (January–February 2005). "The gestural origins of language". WIREs Cognitive Science. 1 (1): 2–7. doi:10.1002/wcs.2. PMID 26272832. S2CID 22492422.

[Françoise2014] Jules Françoise, Norbert Schnell, Riccardo Borghesi, Frédéric Bevilacqua. Probabilistic Models for Designing Motion and Sound Relationships. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Jun 2014, London, UK, United Kingdom. pp.287-292. ⟨hal-01061335⟩

Iverson, Jana M. and Susan Goldin-Meadow (1998). Why people gesture when they speak, Nature 396, 228.

[Kean2011] Kean, S., Hall, J.C., Perry, P. (2011). Microsoft’s Kinect SDK. In: Meet the Kinect. Apress. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4302-3889-8_8

[Laukka2013], Laukka, Petri,Eerola, Tuomas,Thingujam, Nutankumar S.,Yamasaki, Teruo, Beller, Grégory (2013). Universal and Culture-Specific Factors in the Recognition and Performance of Musical Affect Expressions, Emotion, American Psychological Association, Vol 13(3), 434-449.

Löfqvist, A. (1990). Speech as Audible Gestures. In: Hardcastle, W.J., Marchal, A. (eds) Speech Production and Speech Modelling. NATO ASI Series, vol 55. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-009-2037-8_12

[Parrel2014] Benjamin Parrell, Louis Goldstein, Sungbok Lee, Dani Byrd (2014). Spatiotemporal coupling between speech and manual motor actions. Journal of Phonetics, Volume 42, Pages 1-11.

Stetson, Raymond Herbert. ‘A Motor Theory of Rhythm and Discrete Succession’, Psychological Review (1905) 12: 250–70; 293–330.

[Tinoco2016] Tinoco, Hector. (2016). Beam Design for Voice Coil Motors used for Energy Harvesting Purpose with Low Frequency Vibrations: A Finite Element Analysis. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing. 7. 1-17. 10.1142/S1793962316400018.

[Xu2009] Xu, J; Gannon, PJ; Emmorey, K; Smith, JF; Braun, AR (2009). "Symbolic gestures and spoken language are processed by a common neural system". Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 106 (49): 20664–20669. Bibcode:2009PNAS..10620664X. doi:10.1073/pnas.0909197106. PMC 2779203. PMID 19923436.