Sound Gesture Intelligence
Dr. Greg Beller
Hand Tracking
Intermediate physical mapping
The Body Choir uses the hand position to control a choir effect and the Hyper Ball to control a granular synthesizer. In both cases, a physical mapping paradigm between effect parameters and relative hand position is based on the manipulation of a virtual ball whose diameter is defined by the distance between the hands.
The Body Choir transforms a singer into a choir. This virtual choir accompanies the singer according to her.his gestures and the postures s.he adopts. Singing involves movement of the body. This movement is captured and used to magnify the singer's musical intentions. The posture of the body and the sung note modulate in real time the harmony, the number of voices, or the spatial density of the choir.
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Body Choir - with Dalila Khatir @ IRCAM, Paris, France, the 21st of May 2014.
The Hyper Ball takes the form of a virtual sound ball, which the participant waters with her.his voice and modulates with her.his gesture. The position, size and orientation of the ball influence the height, density and volume of the sound generated (see fig. 3). This type of musical activity, by its constitution, causes choreographic movements.
Hyper Ball, with Lenny Barouk, Jean-Pierre Drouet, Martin Seigneur, Stéfany Ganachaud and Richard Dubelski @ IRCAM, Paris, France, March 2014.