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Road Transport System

In this section you will learn more about the road transport system. Road transport consists of different elements, which will be explained to you according to the conceptual system model of transport and traffic.

3. Goods

When we talk about the road transport system, it is important to know the goods that are transported by road. Therefore, the element "Goods" is presented to you on this page. 

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Almost all types of goods can be transported by road, with the exception of goods that are too big or too heavy for the clearance profile of the road infrastructure. 

The transported goods can have different aggregate states:
  • gaseous
  • liquid
  • solid

The goods can have different shippings sizes, that differ in terms of  
  • dimensions and
  • weight.
In case of some types of goods, e.g. hazardous goods, there are also legal restrictions with regard to the use of certain road infrastructures. 

The relation between goods and road vehicles is called transport.  


In Germany, around 3200 million tonnes are transported by German trucks, leading to a transport performance of nearly 310 billion TKT.
The following figure "Transport quantity and performance in Germany" shows the transport quantity [million tonnes] as well as the transport performance [billion tonne kilometres] operated by the commercial and the own account transport.

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Road transport needs movables, who are transporting the goods. The next page will introduce you to the road vehicles used in road transport. 

Flämig, H., Sjöstedt, L., Hertel, C. (2002): Multimodal Transport: An Integrated Element for Last-Mile-Solutions? Proceedings, part 1; International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality: Organisational and Technological Innovations. Delft, 23 & 24 May 2002.  (modification of Sjöstedt 1996) 

Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) (2019): Verkehr deutscher Lastkraftfahrzeuge (VD). Gesamtverkehr Dezember 2018. VD 5. Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,Flensburg. URL:;jsessionid=E92610FDD67F1131D8C20B39B8611E2A.live11313?__blob=publicationFile&v=1 (last access: 30.03.2022).