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MusikApps-SunVox Tutorials - English
Kurs: MusikApps-SunVox Tutorials - English
This course contains 9 lessons. Each lesson starts with an introduction followed by a video with transcript.
Enjoy the lessons!
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Hello. My name is Alessandro. I’m composer and technologist. In this videos of tutorial I’m going to teach you how to create music from scratch using SunVox application. These tutorials are meant for teachers so that they can grasp a basic concept of electronic music before delivering those to the students.
SunVox is a small and powerful moderate synthesizer with a pattern bases the sequencer. The reason that me led to choose this particular application are many. SunVox is a modular environment that is composed of smaller components–the models–that can be easily patched together and controlled by a sequencer to provide an infinite variety of results.
Introducing the core concept of high level not basic programming environments, SunVox is an ideal starting point for those students who want to approach graphic programming environments such as max MPD and the basic of digital signal processing techniques. Furthermore SunVox is a multi platform software being available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android operating systems. In this tutorial I’m going to use the software on an iPad so you can clearly see how to work with it on a smart device. But you are free to follow me either by using a smartphone or a laptop. You can download some works from the App Store for iOS or from Google Play for Android operating systems. SunVox is also available for laptop and desktop computer. Visit the link in the description to download the installer and launch it for Windows or by moving the resulting folder inside the application folder for Mac computers. At the same link, complete manual is available as well.