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Completion requirements

#1 Make sure you have completed all preparations and all printouts are available.

#2 Before starting the exercise, explain the overall outline of the exercise (learning objectives, resources needed, time to complete the exercise).

#3 Assign the course to working groups of 3-5 individuals per grooup and, if possible, organize one facilitator for each group. Each group shall be provided with one EDDi Case Study and one EDDi Investigation Notebook printout. The Case Study provides the main storyline and tasks and points to important reference materials in the Investigation Notebook. The groups will then work on the exercise independently.

#4 During the exercise, assistance can be sought through the facilitators or the Solution Guide. Make sure to keep an eye on the time!

#5 The exercise should be closed with a final discussion and exchange of findings and experiences (approx. 15-20 minutes). To learn more about the real outbreak event, further reading materials can be found in the Investigation Notebook and shared with the class.

Approximate time (classroom teaching set-up)

Approx. 2.5-3 hours (estimate) = approx. four course units á 45 minutes;
the course units may be spread over two sessions á 1.5 hours

Last modified: Thursday, 29 February 2024, 12:59 PM