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  • Allgemeines

  • General course introduction

  • PART I - Common Practices and Traditions

    PART I - Common Practices and Traditions

    In this first part of the course and its chapters we will discuss some of the most common improvisation practices and traditions and by doing so we will get an overview over our subject and create starting points for a 'network' of topics that we will be exploring and discussing in the upcoming course parts and chapters.

    Chapter 1: Introduction and overview

    Chapter 2: Non-European musics

    Chapter 3: Western Art Music

    Chapter 4: Jazz Music

    Chapter 5: Improvised Music

    Chapter 6: Music Therapy

    Chapter 7: Other fields

    Chapter 8: Summary

  • PART II - Exploring Improvisation - the Theory

  • PART III - Exploring Improvisation - the Practice

  • PART IV - Jazz Improvisation