@INPROCEEDINGS{balanced_teamwork_scrum, author={Turcios-Esquivel, Ana Mónica and Avilés-Rabanales, Eréndira Gabriela and Sayeg-Sánchez, Gibrán}, booktitle={2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)}, title={Use of technology and Scrum as an agile methodology to favor the development of balanced teamwork enrichment skills in higher education subjects}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-3}, doi={10.1109/EDUCON54358.2023.10125262}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Multicultural_miscommunication, author={Danielewicz-Betz, Anna and Kawaguchi, Tatsuki}, booktitle={2014 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC)}, title={Multicultural (mis)communication in IT research labs}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-5}, doi={10.1109/IPCC.2014.7020357} } @INPROCEEDINGS{blended_teaching_innovationability, author={Wei, Li and Xiaoling, Shen and Xiaofeng, Lu and Qiaoyong, Jiang and Lei, Wang}, booktitle={2018 13th International Conference on Computer Science \& Education (ICCSE)}, title={Enhancing the Student Teamwork Ability and Innovation Ability in Blended Teaching}, year={2018}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-5}, doi={10.1109/ICCSE.2018.8468799} } @INPROCEEDINGS{teamworkstrat_firstsem_engineering, author={Gorup, A. and Grzunov, M. and Petrović, J. and Pale, P.}, booktitle={2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO)}, title={Teamwork challenges and solution strategies of first-semester engineering students}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1509-1513}, doi={10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245408} } @INPROCEEDINGS{communication_teamwork_engineering, author={Matusovich, Holly and Paretti, Marie and Cross, Kelly J. and Motto, Andrea}, booktitle={2012 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference}, title={Teaching teamwork and communication in engineering: Strategies and Opportunities}, year={2012}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-4}, doi={10.1109/IPCC.2012.6408646} } @INPROCEEDINGS{inclusivity_teamwork_southafrica, author={Nudelman, Gabrielle}, booktitle={2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)}, title={Work in Progress: Exploring teamwork and inclusivity amongst engineering students at a South African university}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={46-50}, doi={10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125096} } @INPROCEEDINGS{4Cs_teamwork_china, author={Van Horne, Constance and Rakedzon, Tzipora}, booktitle={2022 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm)}, title={Extended Abstract: Collaboration, Communication, Curiosity and Critical Thinking: the 4 Cs of Developing Teamwork in Chinese STEM Students}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={81-83}, doi={10.1109/ProComm53155.2022.00018} } @INPROCEEDINGS{lifeskills_engineers, author={John, Divya}, booktitle={2022 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm)}, title={A Life-skills Course for Engineers to Acquire Communication Skills and Team Skills}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={36-41}, doi={10.1109/ProComm53155.2022.00010} } @INPROCEEDINGS{teamwork_teaching_engineering_china, author={Zhang, Dan and Pritchard, Eleanor M and Fonseca, Paula and Yao, Na and Cuthbert, Laurie and Ketteridge, Steve and Ying, Yashu}, booktitle={2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)}, title={Planning teamwork teaching based on students' feedback in engineering education of China}, year={2013}, volume={}, number={}, pages={623-625}, doi={10.1109/FIE.2013.6684900} } @INPROCEEDINGS{gender_differences, author={Westh, Bjøm Hjorth and Inie, Nanna and Barkhuus, Louise and Brabrand, Claus}, booktitle={2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)}, title={Gender Differences in the Group Dynamics of Smaller CS1 Project Groups}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-9}, doi={10.1109/FIE58773.2023.10343369} }