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Practical Implementation: Adjusting the Temperature

Website: Hamburg Open Online University
Kurs: Ethics by Design
Buch: Practical Implementation: Adjusting the Temperature
Gedruckt von: Gast
Datum: Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2024, 12:17


Excited by her insights, Emma decided to share her ideas with Alex, an AI developer. She hoped she could help her understand how practical it would be to integrate these truth filters and find ways to control hallucinations in LLMs. As the conversation deepened, Alex, brought up a technical concept that piqued her curiosity.

Let's follow their conversation to learn more by clicking here or on the title of this activity.

What is Temperature?

Emma's chat history with developer Alex, who explains how the transformer's softmax function works.




What does Temperature do?

Chat between Emma and Alex about the temperature settings. High temperature = creative; low = more accurate but less creative

Truth Filters and Temperature

Emma and Alex reflect whether the temperature setting could be used to implement the truth filters.

Ethical Interactions with AI

Emma walked away from the meeting feeling inspired. Not only did she now understand the technical controls, such as temperature, that developers could use, but she also saw how these adjustments could be aligned with her truth filters. With a mix of philosophical underpinnings and practical attitudes, she envisioned an AI future where models could be fine-tuned for a wide range of contexts, balancing creativity and accuracy for more meaningful, ethical interactions.