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Inland Waterway Transport System

Website: Hamburg Open Online University
Kurs: MoGoLo - Mobility of Goods and Logistics Systems
Buch: Inland Waterway Transport System
Gedruckt von: Gast
Datum: Freitag, 18. Oktober 2024, 18:25


In this section you will learn more about the inland waterway transport system and its different elements goods, vessels, inland waterways and ports. This topic follows the structure of the conceptual system model of transport and traffic.

1. Introduction

In this section, you will learn more about the inland waterway transport system. You will get to know the activities that drive this system and the goods that are transported on inland waterways. You will then be introduced to the vessels used for transportation. In addition, the infrastructure of inland waterways and its port facilities will be explained. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of inland waterway transport will be highlighted.

The section inland waterway transport system is also structured according to the conceptual system model of transport and traffic. For more information about this model, you can have a look at our topic Conceptual System Model of Transport and Traffic. The section Inland Waterway Transport System deals with the goods being transported on inland waterways. Furthermore, we will look at the different types of vessels and describe the inland waterway infrastructure in Germany and the effects of the network structure on expansion, optimization and operation. This section also explains the structure of ports and conducts a SWOT analysis of the ports. In the end, a short summary with the advantages and disadvantages will be given. 

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Let's start the section with the activities, that are driving the inland waterway transport system.

Flämig, H., Sjöstedt, L., Hertel, C. (2002): Multimodal Transport: An Integrated Element for Last-Mile-Solutions? Proceedings, part 1; International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality: Organisational and Technological Innovations. Delft, 23 & 24 May 2002.  (modification of Sjöstedt 1996) 

2. Activities

On this page, the element "Activities" is presented.

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Each activity creates the demand to ensure accession to the facility where the activity is scheduled to take place. This creates the demand for offering transport options. When the transport option is realised, traffic is generated.
Thus all demand is a derived demand, which is all generated by the planning and execution of human activities. We as consumers are driving the system. When there is a demand, orders inevitably arise, which thus represent the control medium.  
The two essential points are:
  • We as consumer drive the system.
  • The order is the steering medium.

After the activities, the goods need to be produced and transported afterwards, so we will introduce you to the goods on the next page. 

Flämig, H., Sjöstedt, L., Hertel, C. (2002): Multimodal Transport: An Integrated Element for Last-Mile-Solutions? Proceedings, part 1; International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality: Organisational and Technological Innovations. Delft, 23 & 24 May 2002.  (modification of Sjöstedt 1996) 

3. Goods

One element of the conceptual system model deals with the types of goods, being typically transported with the presented mode of transport. We will show you on this page, what types of goods are typically transported and roughly what the demand is.

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At the EU level, the top 4 categories accounted for more than half of all goods traffic on EU inland waterways were:
  • metal ores and other mining and quarrying products, peat, uranium and thorium
  • coke and refined petroleum products 
  • chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibers, rubber and plastic products, nuclear fuel and
  • products of agriculture, hunting and forestry, fish and other fishing products.

The relation between goods and vessels is called transport.  


Today in most European countries the demand for inland waterway transport is driven by the hinterland transport of international supply chains. However, there is also a demand for inland waterway transport at the regional level, especially for bulk goods such as raw materials for energy production and agriculture. In some cases, very heavy goods or goods that are too large for the rail and road network are also transported on inland waterways. Compared with other modes of transport, road and rail, considerably fewer goods are transported on inland waterways. In Europe, the total transport volume is around 505 million tons, while the transport volume in Germany is around 200 million tons.
After the element goods, we will move on to the vessels needed for the operation of inland waterway transport.

Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (2020): Verkehr in Zahlen 2020/2021. 49. Jahrgang, URL: https://www.bmvi.de/SharedDocs/DE/Publikationen/G/verkehr-in-zahlen-2020-pdf.pdf?__blob=publicationFile (last access: 30.03.2022).

Eurostat (2021): Inland waterway transport statistics. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Inland_waterway_transport_statistics#E2.80.98Metal_ores_and_other_mining_and_quarrying_products.E2.80.99_-_main_product_category_transported (Last access: 30.03.2022).

Flämig, H., Sjöstedt, L., Hertel, C. (2002): Multimodal Transport: An Integrated Element for Last-Mile-Solutions? Proceedings, part 1; International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality: Organisational and Technological Innovations. Delft, 23 & 24 May 2002.  (modification of Sjöstedt 1996) 

3.1. Quiz - Typical goods for inland waterway transport

Now that we have covered this element of the conceptual system model, feel free to check your knowledge with this question:
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4. Vessels

On this page, the element "Vessels" is described in detail. Different types of vessels are used for inland waterway transport, depending on the type of goods and the quantity to be transported.

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The figure "Types of barges" shows different types of barges used for the inland waterway transport.

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The first one is a container barge, which has no goods on board, but pushes barges with containers in front of it. The picture on the upper right shows again a push barge, but this time transporting bulk cargo. The picture on the lower left also shows a push barge. The last picture shows a Ro-Ro barge. Ro-Ro stands for Roll on-Roll off, which means that it transports moving goods, such as cars. 

In comparison to the use of trucks for transport, an inland vessel has a much higher loading capacity. For example, a rather small ship with a loading capacity of 350 tons is about the same as the loading capacity of 14 trucks. 
The longest type of inland vessels, the push barge, can have a loading capacity that is equivalent to 440 trucks. 
Depending on the natural conditions and the used ship type, an inland container vessel with a capacity of 470 TEU can replace up to 470 trucks and a Ro-Ro Vessel up to 72 trucks, while a tank ship can replace up to 120 trucks. 

We will now deal with the relation between vessels and inland waterway, called traffic.


In the past, only rivers and bodies of water were available for the transport of bulk goods.
With increasing industrialisation and the invention of the railway, regions without access to water were also connected to efficient transport networks.
Over time, the share of inland waterway declined. In Europe, most inland waterway transport is carried out in the Netherlands. In many countries, one waterway dominates, e.g.:
  • In China, about 80 percent of inland waterway transport takes place on the Yangtse.
  • In Germany, about 80 percent of inland waterway transport takes place on the Rhine.

As said above, the decision for the ship type of the inland vessel often depends on the natural conditions of the infrastructure of the inland waterways, which will be presented to you on the next page.

Flämig, H., Sjöstedt, L., Hertel, C. (2002): Multimodal Transport: An Integrated Element for Last-Mile-Solutions? Proceedings, part 1; International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality: Organisational and Technological Innovations. Delft, 23 & 24 May 2002.  (modification of Sjöstedt 1996)

Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH (2007): Manual on Danube Navigation. URL: http://www.prodanube.eu/images/stories/downloads/Manual_Danube_Navigation_2007.pdf (last access: 30.03.2022).

Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (2021b): Wasserstraße Rhein 2019/20 - Bilanz und Perspektiven. URL: https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/DE/20210421_Wasserstrasse_Rhein_2019_2020_PM.html (last access: 30.03.2022).

5. Inland Waterways

Now we deal with the element infrastructure of the conceptual system model, which is in the case of the inland waterway transport system represented by the "Inland waterways".

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The waterways can consist of various elements, like…
  • canals, 
  • rivers,  
  • lakes or
  • between inland ports and wharves. 

European inland waterways
Various waterways run in part across Europe and connect many cities and thus important industrial areas with each other.
The picture "Waterway network in Europe" gives you a rough overview of the waterway network in Europe. 

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Now that you have a rough overview, let's take a closer look at the inland waterway network in Germany.

German waterway network
In Germany, the inland waterway network is around 7.300 km long (approx. 75 % rivers and 25 % canals) with 315 locks, 307 weirs, 2 ship lifts, 2 dams and 1300 bridges. The inland waterways are divided into different classes according to their navigability. The basis of the classification is the spatial dimensions of matched ship types, of which the horizontal parameters of length and width are the most important. The most important german inland waterway is the Rhine.

German inland waterway priority network
In 2011, the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration published the following targets of the modernization concept for the German inland waterway priority network:  
  • Available resources (material, personnel) will be focused on sections of the waterway infrastructure with already or anticipated heavy traffic.
  • Processes and technology should be further standardized and pooled.
  • Third parties should be more involved in the task execution (especially for waterways with low traffic importance).
  • Shifting freight transport to inland waterways.

Net division
The figure "Waterway network Germany" shows the different waterway networks in Germany.
One network criteria is defined by the scope of the use of a waterway in terms of the annual transport capacity in tonnes. The criteria is based on the transport capacity in 2009 and the forecast of the traffic development until 2025.
The waterways in Germany are divided into different classes depending on their transport volumes. For example on the priority network (red), more than 10 mio. tons are transported, while in the edge network (blue) only more than 0.1 mio. tons are transported.  

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The limits for the assignment of the categories of the inland waterway network are the following:
  • priority network:                 ≥  10 mio. tons of cargo per year
  • main network:                      ≥   5 mio. tons of cargo per year
  • supplementary network:  ≥   3 mio. tons of cargo per year
  • sub network:                        ≥   1 mio. tons of cargo per year
  • edge network:                      ≥   0,1 mio. tons of cargo per year 

Impact of network structure on expansion, optimization and operation
There are different strategies for the future development of the inland waterway depending on its category. While the priority network should be expanded with high intensity, the main and the supplementary waterway network should only be optimized with different intensities. The sub waterway network is expanded and optimized with low intensity, meaning that the efforts are not too high for this category. Tasks to expand and optimize the edge and remain waterway network are not perceived anymore. The category also influences the traffic related financing and operation. The traffic related financing and traffic related operation are pursued with high intensity (higher than before 2011) for the priority and main waterway network and with the same intensity as in 2011 for the supplementary and sub waterway network. For the edge and remaining waterway network the intensity is low or tasks are not perceived anymore.  

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Explanation of the symbols:
++   high intensity
+      same intensity
o      low intensity
oo   task is not perceived anymore

In order to achieve the set goal of expanding or optimizing as well as maintaining and operating the inland waterway network, different tasks are defined by the BMVI (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure). 
Extension of the priority network:
  • Construction of German waterways and hydraulic engineering sites enable the navigability for much larger vessels. 
  • e. g. new locks, continuously enlarging and deepening of waterways
Optimization of the main- and supplementary network:
  • All measures to improve the conditions of navigation.
  • e. g. bridge lifting, adjustment of curve radii
Maintenance of all waterways:
  • All temporary and permanent conservation measures of the waterway.
Operation of all waterways besides residual network:
  • All measures for the maintaining of navigation on the waterways.

Many important economic centers have a direct connection to the inland waterway network and use it for the transport of goods.

A study by Koch, Mahler and Stumpf (2012) defined alternative evaluation criteria's of the German waterway network. In their study, they defined economic centers, evaluated the waterways and categorized the German waterway network.

Define economic centers
The figure "Categorisation of waterways" shows the economic centers that are located at an inland waterway. 

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In order to be called an economic center, some criteria’s need to be met:
  • More than 10.000 employees in the producing industry. 
  • A minimum turnover of 1 billion € at the producing industry.
  • An Inland Port or a private transshipment point.
In Germany, 75 sites meet the criteria for an economic center.
The inland waterways are evaluated by the multiplication of the amount of goods of an economic center with the value of an economic center which needs to be much higher than the evaluated transportation units. The evaluated transport units are then allocated to the German waterway network.

Categorization of the German waterway network
The waterway network in Germany is divided into 3 main categories: 
  • Core network (≥ 1.000.000 evaluated transportation units)
  • Sub network (< 1.000.000 evaluated transportation units)
  • Leisure time network (rest of the waterways)
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In order to constantly maintain and also improve the infrastructure, projects are planned to expand the inland waterway network. One example is the Canal-Seine Nord Europe. Here are a few details about it:

Infrastructure project Canal-Seine Nord Europe 
  • Connection between the zone of attraction of the rivers Seine and Schelde.
  • Transport of goods between France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
  • Construction from 2012 for opening in 2017; after the election it is put on hold.
  • Starting again: 3rd of October 2017 for opening in 2024.
  • length: 106 km
  • width: 54 m
  • depth of water: 4,5 m
  • category: Vb
Potential impact of the Canal Seine-Nord Europe:
  • Improvement of the competitiveness and attractiveness of the crossed regions.
  • Connection of the French inland waterway to the European transport network.
  • Reduction of road freight transport. 

The relation between ports and inland waterways is called land use. 

Land use

Many inland ports are located in or near cities and are often being displaced from urban areas. Cities with freight transport concepts, recognize the important role of tri- or bi-modal city ports for the realization of environmentally friendly transport chains.

BMVBS (2011): 2. Bericht des BMVBS an den Deutschen Bundestag zur Reform der Wasser-und Schifffahrtsverwaltung, Berlin. URL: https://www.dmyv.de/fileadmin/content/_global/_downloads/politisches/Wassertourismus-WSV-Reform/2.%20Bericht%20BMVBS%20zu%20WSV-Reform.pdf (last access: 30.03.2022)

Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (2021): Bedeutende europäische Wasserstraßen (w170a). URL: https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Karten/Karten_neu/w170a_eur_Wasserstrassen.html (last access: 30.03.2022).

Flämig, H., Sjöstedt, L., Hertel, C. (2002): Multimodal Transport: An Integrated Element for Last-Mile-Solutions? Proceedings, part 1; International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality: Organisational and Technological Innovations. Delft, 23 & 24 May 2002.  (modification of Sjöstedt 1996) 

Koch, J., Mahler, S.; Stumpf, F. (2012): Management Summary: Vorschläge zur Bewertung der Bundeswasserstraßen unter Berücksichtigung der Aspekte Netzfunktion und volkswirtschaftliche Wertschöpfung. URL: https://www.bonapart.de/uploads/media/120530_Management_Summary_Kategorisierung_Bundeswasserstrassen.pdf (last access: 30.03.2022).

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (2022a): Bauwerke und Anlagen. URL:
https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/DE/wasserstrassen/02_bauwerke-anlagen/bauwerke-anlagen-node.html (last access: 30.03.2022).

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (2022b): Bundeswasserstraßen.
URL: https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/DE/wasserstrassen/01_bundeswasserstrassen/bundeswasserstrassen-node.html (last access: 30.03.2022).

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (2021b): Klassifizierung der Binnenwasserstraßen. URL: https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/DE/wasserstrassen/01_bundeswasserstrassen/Klassifizierung/Klassifizierung_node.html (last access: 30.03.2022). 

6. Ports

In the inland waterway transport system, the facilities are called "Ports". Ports are the prerequisite to transport the goods on the inland waterway system.

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It's probably best to start directly with an example, so that you can visualize it better. As an example we take the west port of Berlin.

Inland ports
The Inland ports are located more centered in the inland of the countries and are responsible for transshipment between the modes of transport rail, road and inland waterway. Inland ports can also be located downstream on the territory of a seaport to transport the loading units from and to the seaports. 
Inland ports still play an important role in the supply and disposal of the region and are (mostly trimodal) interfaces of the transport modes. They are confronted with numerous competing uses. In Germany there are about 1,200 port and transshipment sites, of which about 100 inland ports are public.
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The figure "Inland port as transshipment points" shows the connection between the city, urban port, sea port and hinterland. The urban port as a logistics node also has a traffic and logistic, production and trade function and interacts with the city to supply the city, as well as to dispose things from the city. The sea port and the urban port are connected by water where the loadings are being transported between the two nodes. The sea port is connected to the hinterland (mostly trimodal) and is delivering loading units to and from the hinterland. The sea port, urban port and hinterland are ideally interconnected and use intelligent line services to optimize all transport processes between the nodes. 
Urban port functions
An urban port has a lot of important and different functions. One function is the traffic and logistics function, so that the goods can be transported on the waterway, transferred from water to land and then send to the final destination. Some steps in the production of goods are executed directly at the port (production function). The same applies to the trade function, as a lot of trade is done directly at the port. 
An urban port supplies the industries and residents with different types of goods but also disposes the waste of them. 
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City Terminals for Urban Logistics:  Location of logistic ports in Germany
In addition to the inland ports Hamburg and Berlin, there are many other inland ports in Germany. A large number of them are located in the southwest of Germany. Many city terminals are located quite close to each other, forming different clusters. 

City Terminals for Urban Logistics:  Location of Inland Ports (for example Berlin Westhafen – west port of Berlin)
The Westhafen port of Berlin is one best practice example of an urban port.
It is located near the city center with about 1 million inhabitants and about 700.000 workplaces. 
This urban port is part of the city terminal concept for urban logistics of Berlin to supply the city and implement environmentally friendly transport chains. 
As a trimodal port, it offers the handling of all kinds of goods and of heavy goods up to 500 tons and stocking in yards, buildings and silos. The total throughput of containers in the year 2018 was more than 43.000 TEU. 
Every day, container block trains from North Rhine-Westphalia and, in port hinterland traffic, from Hamburg and Bremerhaven are dispatched.

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The figure "Inland port Berlin Westhafen" shows important logistic nodes like the combined transport nodes (blue circles) and commercial zones with logistics freight villages (pink rectangle and red circle) in Berlin. The port is located in the middle of the important logistic nodes. 
It is also interesting to know what the surroundings/land use of the port look/s like.

Land use around the Westhafen port in Berlin
The image "Land use around the west port of Berlin" shows the different land uses in the port. The port is located directly on the waterfront and is surrounded by an industrial area on one side and residential areas on the other. This illustrates the difficulties of an urban port that must accommodate the needs of both industry and residents living near the port. 

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Urban ports: SWOT-analysis
SWOT analyses are tools used for strategic planning. The goal of the detailed documentation is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats. Here we apply this to urban ports and look at their current position.

S - Strengths:
  • tri-modal accessibility
  • superstructure / equipment for tri-modal handling
  • comprehensive range of services for handling, transportation and storage of break bulk, bulk, liquid and heavy cargo
  • operator model provides one-stop services
  • regional or local geographical integration
O - Opportunities:
  • integration of transport chain to relieve the seaports and land-based transport systems
  • network integration (e.g. of terminal operators to bypass bottlenecks at the major gateways)
  • enhanced awareness of inland ports by targeted public relations
W - Weaknesses:
  • limited expandability due to missing land reserves (e.g. conservation area)   
  • lack of political support for the ports in the city and missing legal requirements (e.g. monument protection, immission) 
  • potential for conflict caused by emissions
  • limited reliability of the water-side accessibility by low tide, locks, or something similar
T - Threats:
  • increased competition from road and rail in the same market segments (e.g. bulk cargo)
  • structural adjustment and growth restrictions in the city ports by problems of acceptance and pressure of implementation („urban waterfront“)
  • area bottlenecks

The relation between the elements goods and ports is called accession. 


In the past, towns sprang up around ports, as they were the focal point of trade. Often they were also the closest transport node near the extraction of raw materials or production. 

Abgeordnetenhaus zu Berlin (2006): Stadtverträglicher Wirtschafts- und Güterverkehr in Berlin. Drs 15/4720

Flämig, H., Schulte, N. (2011a): Binnen_Land: Die Situation der Binnenhäfen und mögliche Handlungsstränge. Teil I des Abschlussberichtes zum Forschungsvorhaben. Band 6. Harburger Berichte zur Verkehrsplanung und Logistik.

Flämig, H., Schulte, N. (2011b): Binnen_Land: Kommunikation in der Binnenschifffahrt.  Teil III des Abschlussberichtes zum Forschungsvorhaben. Band 8. Harburger Berichte zur Verkehrsplanung und Logistik.  

Flämig, H., Sjöstedt, L., Hertel, C. (2002): Multimodal Transport: An Integrated Element for Last-Mile-Solutions? Proceedings, part 1; International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality: Organisational and Technological Innovations. Delft, 23 & 24 May 2002.  (modification of Sjöstedt 1996) 

Meister, V.; Bayer, S. (2010): Lokale Akzeptanz von Binnenhäfen. Analyse der Bedingungen für ein konfliktfreies Miteinander von städtischen Binnenhäfen und Anwohnern. Berlin: FU Berlin / Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften (= METAR – Papers in Metropolitan Studies; Bd. 55)

6.1. Quiz - SWOT analysis for inland ports

It is good to know how SWOT analysis works because it is also used in many other areas. You might want to test yourself one last time in this chapter:

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7. Summary

Since inland waterway transport is not as distinctive as transport by other modes, it may be interesting to know what speaks in favor of inland waterway transport and what speaks against it.

What speaks for the transport by inland vessels are the low transport costs and CO2-emissions. Compared to trucks, inland vessels can cover further distances with a much larger transport capacity. This makes them very efficient and could even relieve the roads and rails.

The popularity of inland waterway vessels suffers greatly from the infrastructure. Ships are tied to the waterways and need terminals with appropriate facilities to reach their destinations. In addition, the transport is dependent on the prevailing water levels and the long transport time makes it hardly competitive.

Some more reasons for and against inland waterway transport are listed below. 

Reasons for inland waterway transport
  • high single loading weights
  • large transport capacity (economy of scale - high efficiency)
  • processing of heavy goods traffic
  • punctuality (no congestion) and reliability
  • usually year-round navigability (365 days a year)
  • wide range of special ships
  • low transport costs
  • safety transport
  • environmentally friendly transport
  • spare capacities

Reasons against inland waterway transport
  • no complete area coverage
  • without own mooring place increased costs due to broken transport chains
  • dependence on water level, ice drift and fog
  • long transportation time
  • inertia/backwardness in the system itself e.g. outdated technology

Nuhn, H.; Hesse, M. (2006): Verkehrsgeographie, Schöningh Verlag, Paderborn.

Schulte, C. (1991): Logistik. Wege zur Optimierung des Material- und Informationsflusses. Verlag Franz Vahlen, München. pp. 64-65.

Wannenwetsch H.H. (2008): Transportsysteme. In:  Intensivtraining Produktion, Einkauf, Logistik und Dienstleistung. Gabler, Wiesbaden. 

7.1. Quiz - Advantages of inland waterway transport

Now that you've gotten a lot of information, feel free to check your knowledge level with this question:

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Congratulations, you finished the inland waterway transport topic. If you are interested in other modes of transport too, feel free to check our other topics maritime transport system,
air transport system, road transport system and rail transport system.

8. Literature

Abgeordnetenhaus zu Berlin (2006):  Stadtverträglicher Wirtschafts- und Güterverkehr in Berlin. Drs 15/4720

BMVBS (2011): 2. Bericht des BMVBS an den Deutschen Bundestag zur Reform der Wasser-und Schifffahrtsverwaltung, Berlin. URL: https://www.dmyv.de/fileadmin/content/_global/_downloads/politisches/Wassertourismus-WSV-Reform/2.%20Bericht%20BMVBS%20zu%20WSV-Reform.pdf (last access: 30.03.2022)

Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (2021): Bedeutende europäische Wasserstraßen (w170a). URL: https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Karten/Karten_neu/w170a_eur_Wasserstrassen.html (last access: 30.03.2022).

 Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (2020): Verkehr in Zahlen 2020/2021. 49. Jahrgang, URL: https://www.bmvi.de/SharedDocs/DE/Publikationen/G/verkehr-in-zahlen-2020-pdf.pdf?__blob=publicationFile (last access: 30.03.2022)

Eurostat (2021): Inland waterway transport statistics. URL:  https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Inland_waterway_transport_statistics#E2.80.98Metal_ores_and_other_mining_and_quarrying_products.E2.80.99_-_main_product_category_transported (Last access: 30.03.2022) 
Flämig, H., Schulte, N. (2011a): Binnen_Land: Die Situation der Binnenhäfen und mögliche Handlungsstränge. Teil I des Abschlussberichtes zum Forschungsvorhaben. Band 6. Harburger Berichte zur Verkehrsplanung und Logistik.

Flämig, H., Schulte, N. (2011b): Binnen_Land: Kommunikation in der Binnenschifffahrt.  Teil III des Abschlussberichtes zum Forschungsvorhaben. Band 8. Harburger Berichte zur Verkehrsplanung und Logistik.  

Flämig, H., Sjöstedt, L., Hertel, C. (2002): Multimodal Transport: An Integrated Element for Last-Mile-Solutions? Proceedings, part 1; International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality: Organisational and Technological Innovations. Delft, 23 & 24 May 2002.  (modification of Sjöstedt 1996) 
Koch, J., Mahler, S.; Stumpf, F. (2012): Management Summary: Vorschläge zur Bewertung der Bundeswasserstraßen unter Berücksichtigung der Aspekte Netzfunktion und volkswirtschaftliche Wertschöpfung. URL: https://www.bonapart.de/uploads/media/120530_Management_Summary_Kategorisierung_Bundeswasserstrassen.pdf (last access: 30.03.2022).

Kruk, C.B.; Donner, M. (2009): Freight Transport for Development Toolkit: Ports & Waterborne Freight
Meister, V.; Bayer, S. (2010): Lokale Akzeptanz von Binnenhäfen. Analyse der Bedingungen für ein konfliktfreies Miteinander von städtischen Binnenhäfen und Anwohnern. Berlin: FU Berlin / Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften (= METAR – Papers in Metropolitan Studies; Bd. 55) 
Nuhn, H.; Hesse, M. (2006): Verkehrsgeographie, Schöningh Verlag, Paderborn

Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH (2007): Manual on Danube Navigation. URL: http://www.prodanube.eu/images/stories/downloads/Manual_Danube_Navigation_2007.pdf (last access: 30.03.2022)

Schulte, C. (1991): Logistik. Wege zur Optimierung des Material- und Informationsflusses. Verlag Franz Vahlen, München. 
Wannenwetsch H.H. (Hrsg.) (2008): Transportsysteme. Intensivtraining Produktion, Einkauf, Logistik und Dienstleistung. Gabler, Wiesbaden.

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (2022a): Bauwerke und Anlagen. URL:
https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/DE/wasserstrassen/02_bauwerke-anlagen/bauwerke-anlagen-node.html (last access: 30.03.2022).

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (2022b): Bundeswasserstraßen.
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Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (2021a): Klassifizierung der Binnenwasserstraßen. URL: https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/DE/wasserstrassen/01_bundeswasserstrassen/Klassifizierung/Klassifizierung_node.html (last access: 30.03.2022).

Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (2021b): Wasserstraße Rhein 2019/20 - Bilanz und Perspektiven. URL: https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/DE/20210421_Wasserstrasse_Rhein_2019_2020_PM.html (last access: 30.03.2022)