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Theory: Tourism Impacts and Challenges

5. Social Impacts

Case Study: Negative Social Impacts in Mauritius

In order to boost their economy, the island of Mauritius incorporated tourism into their development plan. Significant issues in their development have been the use of land for large tourist operations and increased population from foreign direct investment. Wealthy individuals were permitted freeholdings of land and permanent-resident status with the hope that they would pump new money into the economy.

While this practice generated economic benefits (netting 5% growth per year) and led to infrastructure changes, these positive impacts were felt by little of the local population. (Wortman, Donalson, and Westen, 2016). This caused a social rift as local residents felt they were being negatively affected for the benefit of a few (Wortman, Donalson, and Westen, 2016). Higher land prices and increased development resulted in locals locals being displaced from the lands that they traditionally farmed and fished (Wortman, Donalson, and Westen, 2016). Some locals felt their culture was being suppressed with the increased development on the island. New shopping centers and restaurants replaced markets, and the beaches are now lined with resorts and other tourist attractions (Wortman, Donalson, and Westen, 2016). Furthermore, the shifting population dynamics have led locals to feel more alienated and that their island is losing its culture.