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Theory: Tourism Impacts and Challenges

10. Suggested further reading

Suggested further reading

Sustainable tourism in SIDS will require maintaining effective governance structures and communication, establishing appropriate policies, and using a range of management tools. 

Sustainable Tourism Agenda and Policy Guidance

The United Nations Environment Programme and the World Tourism Organization compiled a resource called “Making Tourism More Sustainable: a Guide for Policy Makers.” The guide includes policies and recommended tools collected from actual cases which successfully and effectively achieved sustainable development goals. The resource can be used as a blueprint for policies and tools by national and local governments, to be modified to the area’s particular circumstances and conditions (UNEP and WTO, 2005).

Refer to Section 2: Policy Implications of a Sustainable Tourism Agenda. The information presents policy areas to be addressed to meet sustainable tourism goals. Making Tourism More Sustainable: a Guide for Policy Makers, United Nations Environment Programme and the World Tourism Organization (2005)